
- JATROPOWER AG is a holding company domiciled in Baar, Switzerland. It is owned and financed privately by its Swiss promoters and its CEO.
- JATROPOWER AG owns 99.9% of the share capital of Jatropower Bio-trading Pvt. Ltd., Coimbatore, India where R&D and seed production are concentrated. Jatropower India operates today 7 research and production farms around Coimbatore of between 1 and 10 acres each, of which 2 are on owned premises of Jatropower India.
The Company is presently involved in the following partnerships:
Madagascar: with a private company running a jatropha plantation in the south of the country and having access to wasteland. The purpose of the collaboration is testing of Jatropower genotypes, exchange of cultivation methodologies and technical consultancy on processing of edible jatropha seeds.
Mexico: with a private company in Coastal Mexico, intensely connected with the use of edible varieties as human food. The purpose of the collaboration is to test Jatropower edible jatropha genotypes with those in Mexico and exchange of experiences in the use of Xuta (as edible jatropha is called in Mexico) as human food.